Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Game Discussion

The class developed an idea of a game based on how the Sims operates. Instead of being contained within your house though, your avatar could go anywhere as he/she pleased (i.e. sitting at a cubicle at work all day, or attend those fun corporate meetings). It would really just be a model of the real world, but we agreed upon that the social aspect is what would keep the customers coming back. There would be a social/career ladder as well that everyone would have to climb, so eventually someone could become president, or Supreme Galactic Overlord depending upon the type of gov't.

I would imagine the social aspect would spawn several parties/factions much how WoW, Eve-online, and real life have. It begs the question of: what rules should the game employ? Do we want the players to have the ability to dissolve organizations (if this is the direction we want to take the game in the first place), or have some hard system in place that players have to work with.

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