Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Presidential Photos

I attended the Presidential photo talk close to two weeks ago, and although we don't have class this Thursday it's probably about time I posted about it. The speaker was Eric Draper and he basically discussed some of his experiences photographing President G. W. Bush. He covered some funny moments, when he first started he had accidentally gotten caught up in Clinton's motorcade at the inauguration. And some serious moments, when the President committed troops to Iraq and 9/11.

I actually enjoyed the talk a lot, it was more enlightening to see the President as an average person at times. In addition, Mr. Draper discussed how he moved to a digital archive, and rotated pictures he had taken throughout the weeks in some room or hallway in the white house.

- I didn't have a camera, so no-go on the image verification that I was there Dr. Louis.

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